Testimonials & Advice from Seniors
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I liked the parts where algorithms were slowly discussed in order for us to grasp how it works, instead of purely memorising the data structure methods
The capstone project was useful in teaching us Git skills as well as the use case of databases and web applications in real life
I think the Capstone project really helped me to understand how a whole webapp works. We got to work in a team and each member played a certain role, such as frontend and backend. It was really interesting to see how it all connects up, and also gave me an opportunity to work in a team.
Through the group project, I realised that a lot of coordination is needed + how programmers actually do their projects seperately to finish a big big project
Capstone project was useful in seeing how a practical application is developed and how organisation of code and planning is extremely important
The Capstone Project gave me a glimpse on real-world use of code
Advice from seniors
If you are really interested in computing, just go ahead and take up H2 computing as a subject. […] Computing has really been a fun subject for me, as someone who is really interested in it. We get to use a computer to write actual code, instead of just pen and paper for most other subjects (although there is still a theory component which was not as interesting). I think that is probably as close to learning skills that we can actually apply in the real world. You can create any software and application you want using what you learn, and embark on any projects you want as long you are willing to go the extra mile to learn new things. Computing is also much less content heavy as compared to Chemistry […] so that may be another thing to consider. At the end of the day, do what you are interested in, once you made up your mind, don’t regret your decision.
Computing is honestly one of the least content heavy subjects in JC so take it if you wish to have a more laid-back subject. However, less content does not mean easier content. It is one of the most unorthodox subjects offered so be prepared to think outside the box for some questions.
Just start doing projects and writing scripts as early as possible in whatever you’re even momentarily interested in so that you can not only apply and recall the lessons but also learn new things outside of the classroom. Actual real-world projects are probably the best way to do well for exams as well as learn about programming in general. Your computing results do not reflect how good of a programmer you are, when looking beyond the syllabus. I think what’s more important is your willingness to learn new things every day. Work on external projects to help familiarise yourself with the programming language.
it gets very hard at first but it gets better over time, enjoy the process! Practice what you have learnt and apply it into real world projects Spend time developing your understanding and programming “toolkits”, and probably know the updated/modern programming practices outside of the Computing course (the syllabus isn’t too good in teaching this aspect… who uses f.close() after a file context manager anyways?). Other than that, look into working on a project using OOP. Once you do, that’s probably half of the techniques in the syllabus (bonus points if Java is already one of your languages).
This subject is slightly different from other school subjects which is hard to find online ans, i realised i can never find ans for chem or to learn chem online due to different exam syllabus, for computing, there are various online schools to teach you coding, w3school and tutorialpoint are good websites for beginners like yall, other than that you can find codes that are easier to learn than the ones that teachers teach you. Oh and dont forget, stackoverflow is your best friend from the moment you take computing. Other than that, its all about hands on experience, other than math, this is prob the only subject that you can score high just by practising over and over again, getting familiar with the coding habits is very important.
keep practicing ur coding (no need daily la but at least once per week ya jus code any sorting algo/website/whatever u want) if not you’ll 200% regret on the day of ur A Level Practical don’t spot questions the syllabus is still new. computing content isn’t as jialat as other sciences so be grateful and study everything
This subject is not going to be beginner friendly, it took me a year of struggling just to understand what i am doing, but its a subject with the most exponential learning curve, your learning will keep growing until it is no longer a painful but a fun subject to do.